The Chubb House

The house was built in 1867 on a hill overlooking Lake Sisseton, and is the oldest surviving house in Fairmont. The first owner as of January 20, 1868 was Sarah Chubb. The house is built of brick made from clay from the banks of Buffalo Lake on the north edge of Fairmont. Captain Chenny was the contractor. Jas. Swearington and William Budd made the brick molds. The house is of Greek Revival architecture. The window casings are angled to maximize the sunlight let in. Square nails can be seen in places throughout the house. Horsehair is visible around the outside of the windows where it acts as a moisture barrier between the bricks and wood. The foundation is made of field stone cemented together. The stonecutter, John Dalton, lived to be 100 years old. The Martin County Preservation Association was formed to save the property from destruction. In 1992 it acquired the property for $35,000. The house was refurbished by volunteers who devoted many thousands of hours to restoring the property to the historically accurate and pristine condition seen today. They also furnished it with original and period furniture to add to the authenticity.